Hubbles Jupiter and the Shrinking Great Red Spot

Discover the universe! Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by an astronomer.

January 9 is 2022.

Hubble's Jupiter and the Shrinking Great Red Spot.
The image is from NASA, Hubble, OPAL Program, and the Processing is by Karol Masztalerz.

What will happen to Jupiter's Great Red Spot? Jupiter is the solar system's largest world with about 320 times the mass of Earth.
The planettableratio.html is a website. The Great Red Spot is visible to the left of Jupiter. The GRS is so large that it could swallow Earth. Historical notes show that the storm only covers about one third of the exposed surface area it had 150 years ago. NASA's Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy program has been using the Hubble Space Telescope to monitor the storm. The Hubble OPAL image shows Jupiter in a way that makes it appear vibrant. The storm is becoming slightly taller, vertically, as it continues to constrict its surface area. If the trend continues, the GRS might one day do what smaller spots on Jupiter have done -- disappear completely.

The Best APOD Space Images of 2021 will be presented on Tuesday.
The picture is of a comet tail.

Robert Nemiroff is an author and Jerry Bonnell is an editor.
Phillip Newman has specific rights.
NASA has a privacy policy on the internet.
There is a service at NASA.
& Michigan Tech. U.

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Discover the universe! Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by an astronomer.

January 10, 2022.

Leonard's tail wag.
The image is from NASA, STEREO-A, and Processing.

Why does Leonard's tail wag? The video shows the ion tail of the comet as it changed over a ten day period. The video was taken by the STEREO-A, a NASA mission that co-ordinates the Sun with the Earth. Each image in this field was subtracted from the next to create frames that highlight differences. The video clearly shows the ion tail of comet Leonard being blown around by the solar wind, which is a stream of fast- moving ion particles. Since the video was taken, the comet continued to plunge toward the Sun.

The Best APOD Space Images of 2021 will be presented on Tuesday.
Tomorrow's picture is around orion.

Robert Nemiroff is an author and Jerry Bonnell is an editor.
Phillip Newman has specific rights.
NASA has a privacy policy on the internet.
There is a service at NASA.
& Michigan Tech. U.