Ben Affleck Calls Justice League the

The development of Justice League is one of the most well-known messes of a film in recent history, and its stars are still feeling its impact years later. Ray Fisher has spoken about his time working on the film the most, but this weekend it is Ben Affleck who is in the spotlight for his words on the troubled film.

The LA Times asked about the rocky time as Batman that began with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The 49-year-old actor was reported to be writing and directing a solo Batman movie that would eventually become The Batman. He dropped out of treatment for his alcohol addiction because he realized where his life was going. I looked at Batman and thought I wouldn't be happy doing it. The person who does this should love it. I would have liked to do it at 32. It was the point where I realized it wasn't worth it.

The actor talked about how Justice League was the nadir of his career. It was torture working on the film with everything going on at the time. He knew that at that point in his life, anything could have set him off, so he left Batman entirely. Justice League was bad. It could have been anything. It sounds like he had fun with his version of the character before putting him to rest, and he will be returning to the character in November.

The Last Duel was one of the projects that Affleck really wants to do now that Batman is behind him. He enjoyed doing his performance as Count Pierre d'Alenon and many viewers enjoyed watching it. I was disappointed that more people didn't see the movie, but I can't chase what's going to be cool. He thinks that the realization of needing to stick to his guns will be better for the industry in general. I don't care about notions of success or failure about money or commercial success because they corrupt your choices. The movies are less interesting and you are less good.

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