NASA Scientist Shaves Off “James Webb Beard” After Successful Deployment

A top scientist at NASA shaved his Beard to celebrate the successful deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope. Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, showed off his shaved face on his social media accounts.

Zurbuchen said that the NASAWebb is fully deployed. I shaved off my beard to thank the entire team for their hard work. I was looking forward to this!
Zurbuchen had brown stubble during a previous interview and shared a pre-shave shot with a reply.

Thomas Zurbuchen wrote on January 9, 2022.

It's called the chill pill.

The launch of the JWST has been a lot of work for the scientists involved and those watching from afar. A physics professor told the New York Times that he would be terrified the entire time he was watching the launch. It makes perfect sense, since the Webb is the most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and has experienced a long serious of frustrating delays.

Zurbuchen mentioned his facial hair on the social networking site.

He said that everyone is giving that history making unfolding of @NASAWebb in their own way. When the observatory is fully deployed, I will be happy and excited to shave my beard.
Will Zurbuchen grow a mustache for his next project? How about Elvis burns? We don't know what the future will bring for his personal grooming, but for now the team deserves a good night's sleep and a pat on the back.

The James Webb Space Telescope is going to be attacked.

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