A video with quotes from Stephen Hawking is included in the Google doodle.
On his 80th birthday, the cosmologist was cited for his work in probing the fate of the universe and the nature of black holes, as well as his quick wit, his ability to engage popular audiences around the world, and his living example to people with his work.
"Today's video Doodle celebrates one of history's most influential scientific minds, English cosmologist, author, and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking," said a statement about the Doodle.
His best-selling books made the field widely accessible to millions of readers worldwide, and his theories on the origins and mechanics of the universe were the most important in modern physics.
There are some good videos for you. It was created with a sketch.
Stephen Hawking's theory about black holes has been confirmed.
On what would have been Stephen Hawking's 80th birthday, the life and legacy of the scientist was celebrated in a Google Doodle. The image was taken from the website of the search engine, Google.
The day after the death of Galileo Galilei, Stephen William Hawking was born in England.
When he was 21 years old, he was only expected to live two more years, but he finished his PhD in 1965, and continued his work at Cambridge. Particles could escape black holes nine years later. The 1974 discovery of Hawking radiation is considered to be his most important contribution to physics.
The most famous academic chair in the world was created in 1979 when Stephen Hawking was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. His career work covered aspects of the ending of the universe and Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
Professor Stephen Hawking is on a zero gravity flight. NASA/J. Campbell is the Aero-News Network.
In 1985 he lost his speech due to an emergency tracheometry, after he shifted his activities to a wheelchair. His electronic voice became his speech-generating device, made at Cambridge, for the rest of his career. He used muscles in his cheek to pick the words he wanted to use.
You can hear the voice of Stephen Hawking in a video on YouTube, which is part of the reason why the search engine has a doodle. His pithy observation of how his life turned out is one of the included quotes. Everything since then has been a bonus.
In his later years, he appeared in the media and wrote many popular books, including "The Theory of Everything" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation."
On March 14, 2018, the world lost a great mathematician, physicist and author with the death of Stephen Hawking. The children said in a statement at the time that his courage and persistence, with his brilliance and humour, inspired people across the world.
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