The Astros broke an 8-game losing streak by defeating the Wizards.
The full highlights of the Houston Rockets vs. Washington Wizards game.
8:59 PM
The food at Houston's home games is bigger in Texas.
The Toyota Center, the home of the Houston Rockets, will be selling a hot dog with unconventional topping for Friday's game against the Dallas Mavericks.
This is not the average frankfurter.
The jumbo mac 'n cheese hot dog with fruit loops and bacon is only available on the lower concourse.
It will cost $12 to try the treat for fans with explorative buds.
If you're not looking to combine cheese and cereals, you can head to the next section to try a more standard menu item.
Were you going to the HoustonRockets game tonight? There is a new food item outside of Section 115.
The new Mac N Cheese Dog is outside of Section 114. A hot dog with bacon and fruit loops. It will surprise you!
January 7, 2022.
This isn't the first time the venue has tried out a new cuisine. The executive chef of Houston's restaurant group stated that he wanted to provide something really exciting for guests ahead of Houston's playoff series against the Golden State Warriors.
The "Foot Long Mac and Cheese Dog" and "Texas Tots" were added to the menu.
The Houston Astros are currently at the bottom of the Western Conference's Standings, so a playoff menu is unlikely this season.