In Independence Day, aliens destroyed 72 of the largest cities on Earth, killing three billion people. He was much more restrained in his 1998 film, where the King of the monsters only wrecked parts of New York City. He created storms that destroyed the surface of the planet before plunging it into a new Ice Age, and then he destroyed the first city in 10,000 BC in The Day After Tomorrow. After a few less destructive movies, the ID4 aliens attacked again in Resurgence, devastating most of Eurasia and North America's Eastern seaboard. In Moonfall, Emmerich is going to destroy the planet again.
But why? According to the website, it is a justified way of increasing awareness about both global warming and the lack of a government preparation plan for a global apocalypse in the case of The Day After Tomorrow. That is a noble idea, but neither explanation explains the destruction of the Independence Day movies.
The destruction porn business is very lucrative. Audiences still watch movies despite the fact that they mostly dislike them. Independence Day: Resurgence made $390 million internationally, while The Day After Tomorrow made $550 million, and 2012 made nearly $800 million, but none of them have a critic or audience rating above 50 percent on the website. The films of Emmerich have earned $4 billion dollars.
The craft and care with which he decimates the Earth in multiple movies belie his obvious passion for it. John Cusack tried to escape the destruction of Los Angeles in 2012 in a short clip.
You can watch how many unique things are demolished. How many close calls the limo and plane have had as they fall apart. The scope, creativity, and thoroughness of the disaster shown on screen is astounding. It is a symphony of destruction, played by shattering buildings, exploding roads, collapsing overpasses, and debris. The limo is the only thing that is falling apart. Michael Bay loves his explosions, but he wouldn't want to do something like this. Moonfall might be the director's most destructive film yet because of his enthusiasm for seeing the planet and its inhabitants suffer.
Some men just want to watch the world burn. He wants you to watch it burn.
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