Peter Dante, who played Water Boy in the 1998 film, was recently caught having a meltdown at a Korean BBQ restaurant in Los Angeles after a server refused to serve him for not wearing a mask indoors. The Quarters Korean BBQ in L.A.'s Koreatown was the site of a profanity-laden rant on Monday night. The hostess told Dante that he wouldn't be served because he wasn't wearing a mask.
For most of his first year in office, President Joe Biden has bet that he could move the country past the divisiveness of his predecessor by restoring a sense of normal to the White House. It didn't work. Biden put aside his hopes of no longe on Thursday.
Do not pay high power bills. It's genius. Power companies are furious with this program.
Minimum wage increases have taken place across the country in the new year.
The region was battered by a winter storm and a pileup involving up to 75 cars closed the interstate in Kentucky for hours.
Children under the age of 5 are being affected by a harsh, barking cough called croup, which is caused by the omicron variant of COVID-19.
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The term "vaccine mandate" was pushed back by Justice Sotomayor during the Friday hearing.
What is happening to celebrity fashion? First, Julia Fox wears her panties above her pants on a date night with West, and now, Klum is following in her footsteps, wearing her panties above her pants again.
She couldn't believe her brother would do that to her.
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Young actors who don't want to work hard to further their career is something thatJackie Chan dislikes. Chan said that young actors have to put in the work in order to succeed. The legendary actor contrasted his career history with the attitudes of young actors today, saying he had been angered by the statements he had heard.
The federal government's response to COVID-19 was opposed by Florida Gov. DeSantis.
The model and actress are always together.
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During oral arguments, Justice Sotomayor did not understand the distinction between federal authority and state police powers.
The streets of the main city of the country appeared to have been reclaimed by the security forces on Friday after days of violence. Police were patrolling the streets of Almaty after Moscow sent troops to help crush the insurrection. The ex-Soviet republic has experienced the worst violence since it gained independence 30 years ago.
Robert Gilliland, managing director and senior wealth adviser at Concenture Wealth Management, said to develop a plan first. Take into account inflation and every single possible expense you anticipate spending after your husband dies. Think about healthcare, which is a major expense in any retirees budget, as well as utilities, emergency expenses, the occasional meal or entertainment, and so on.
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One person pointed out that the joke was on us, because Shafi won the bonus round.
Schumer said that he was just 30 feet from the insurrectionists on January 6.
The number of hospitalizations has gone up, but one hospital CEO said there is still some good news to come.
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Despite the college admissions scandal, the work ethic of her mother's daughter is defended.
I was 260 pounds. She was a big baby.
Six former health advisers to President Joe Biden's transition team released a series of journal articles on Thursday calling for a "new normal" in the nation's approach to fighting covid and other viral threats. Advisers often criticize the federal response in the articles. They want the administration to create a modern data infrastructure that would give real-time information on the spread of corona.