The share of Americans who read print books remained the same over the last year, despite the fact that publishers sold more print books.
A customer shops for books at a Barnes and Noble store.
The images are by Justin Sullivan.
According to data gathered by market research firm NPD and reported by Publishers Weekly, US print book sales rose by 67.8 million in the year 2021, with adult fiction sales rising 25.5% and adult nonfiction sales rising 4.4%.
The proportion of American adults who read print books remained static at 65%, as did the proportion reading books in any format at 75%, according to a study published Thursday.
The number of books read by American adults has remained roughly the same since 2011.
The percentage of American adults who read at least one e-book in a year increased by 5 percentage points.
The success of some print bestsellers was due to the influence of digital influences, such as activity on BookTok, a community of TikTok users who post about books.
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When brick-and-mortar bookstores were closed in 2020 by coronaviruses, e-book sales by leading U.S. publishers leapt by 22%. As shoppers returned to bookstores, e-book sales returned to more moderate levels. e-book sales fell by 8% compared to 2020, but were still 8% higher than in June 2019. It is possible that e-book sales gained a boost from supply-chain disruptions during the holiday season, according to the analyst. Data for the second half of the year has not been published.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Women read more than men, younger people read more than older people, more educated people read more than less educated people, and members of higher-income households read more than lower-income households. The percentage of adults with a household income of under $30,000 listening to audiobook increased by 8% in 2011. The percentage of urban residents who read a book increased.
The works of J.D. Salinger were not published until 2019. The author was very involved in the presentation of his works, and he forbade illustrations of characters on most book covers to avoid biasing readers towards a particular interpretation of his writing. There are two recordings of The Catcher in the Rye that are available for the blind and Print Disabled, but none of Salinger's major works are available as audiobooks.
Three-in-ten Americans now read e-books.
In the year 2021, print books had a huge sales year.