You invite the "Birds Aren't Real" guy on live TV and you're almost certainly going to get trolled. WGN News in Chicago was the one to find that out.
Peter McIndoe, the creator of the fake conspiracy theory, pretended to vomit milk as he talked to the news anchors. Things seem normal in the interview at first. McIndoe says that Gen Z is full of amazing men, women, and children that are aiming for change.
McIndoe pretended to have milk out of a coffee cup when the hosts asked more questions.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I'm so nervous," McIndoe said through her saliva. As the anchors cut to the weather, he wretches and 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 It's great.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
The "Birds Aren't Real" movement is a fake conspiracy theory that pokes fun at other conspiracy theories. It's basically a bunch of Gen Z kids pretending that the government replaced all birds with drones in order to spy on Americans. Taylor Lorenz wrote a piece for the New York Times about McIndoe.
It's not clear if the Chicago news station knew that McIndoe was faking the conspiracy theory, but at the very least they set themselves up for a troll. You get what you get if you invite the "Birds Aren't Real" guy to live TV. The internet would have expected this, but a local news station was woefully unprepared for the ten layers of irony to every internet joke.
The Birds Aren't Real TikTok account was already joking about the troll, acting as if he had really thrown up. McIndoe wrote about the most embarrassing moment of his life. Don't be fooled, it was a troll.
One person commented, "They used birds to poison his coffee."
The Birds Aren't Real account said that they were looking into it but had no conclusive evidence to suggest.