A large group of protesters gathered outside the hotel where Novak Djokovic is being held, including supporters demanding his release, anti-vaxxers and activists calling attention to refugees who are being held there.
People hold placards up at a government detention centre where Serbia's tennis champion Novak...
The images are from the same source.
A group of around 200 people gathered outside of the Carlton Park Hotel, including fans of Novak Djokovic, Serbian expats, anti-vaccine protestors and even refugee advocates, the Age reported.
The world number 1 tennis star spent Orthodox Christmas in jail as he waits for a ruling on his legal challenge to the Australian government's decision to cancel his visa.
Some of the people gathered outside the hotel waved Serbian flags and chanted "Free Novak" using a megaphone, while others insisted that his vaccination status should not matter to people who have already received their shots.
Karen Andrews, the Australian home minister, said that he was free to leave the country whenever he wanted.
Refugee advocates and anti-racism groups showed up with banners that read "Refugees are welcome, but not Novak", as the crowd gathered outside the venue.
The activists wanted to bring attention to Australia's handling of refugees and asylum seekers, which they said was "inhumane, deeply cruel and illegal under international law."
Nick Krygios, an Australian tennis star who has previously called out the Serbian for failing to take the swine flu seriously, found an unlikely ally on Friday. I believe in taking action, but how we are handling Novak's situation is bad, really bad. This is one of our great champions, but at the end of the day, he is a human. Do better.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Australian Border Force officials asked a Czech tennis player to leave the country on Friday. According to the Age, a tennis player entered Australia by claiming the same vaccine exemption that was used by Novak Djokovic, and that she had been exposed to Covid-19 in the last six months. The Serbian star has already played in a tournament in the city. It is not clear if she will file a legal challenge against the decision, but she is being held in the same hotel.
People hold placards up at a government detention centre where Serbia's tennis champion Novak...
The images are from the same source.
The tennis player is reported to be staying in Melbourne.
The images are from the same source.
An anti-vax protester holds placards at a government detention centre where Serbia's tennis champion is staying.
The images are from the same source.
A Serbian orthodox priest gestured as supporters of Serbia's Novak Djokovic gathered during a prayer.
The images are from the same source.
A tennis fan holds a sign outside a hotel.
The images are from the same company.
Pro-refugee activists carry banners outside a government detention centre where Serbia's tennis player is staying.
The images are from the same source.
People hold placards up at a government detention centre where Serbia's tennis champion Novak...
The images are from the same source.
The supporters of the man vow to protest outside the hotel until he is released.
The top-ranked tennis player spent a religious day in jail.
He can stay in Melbourne until Monday as he fights the visa cancellation.
Coverage and live updates on the coronaviruses.