The image is called "chorus image" and is on the CDn.vox-cdn.com.
The Always On Top feature and web search will be included in PowerToys this week. There are a lot of bug fixes and improvements to Microsoft's 12 PowerToys tools.
If you switch focus to another window, Always On Top will allow any app to always be in front of others. It's useful for older apps that you might want to keep on top of others across multiple monitors because PowerToys now ensures anything can be pinned.
Noupscale is a file onchorusasset.com.
The new toy is always on top.
The Always On Top PowerToy has a Game Mode option that allows games to run fullscreen above pinned apps. The ability to show a colored border around a pinned app is one of the settings. You can exclude apps from being pinned if you use the Windows key + T combination.
web search in the Run launcher is a second useful addition to PowerToys. Windows users have been able to quickly search for apps and files in the Spotlight-like launcher by Microsoft. You can now quickly search the web using your default browser and search engine.
Noupscale is a file onchorusasset.com.
PowerToys Run has a website.
If Run can't find a relevant file or app, you'll be offered search results. Microsoft and its open source community of developers have added support for G-code in File Explorer.
The PowerToys version is available for download from the Microsoft Store.