The number of people with dementia could rise from 57.4 million in the year of 2020 to 152.8 million by the year of 2050, driven by factors like midlife obesity, smoking and social isolation, according to a study.
An image shows the brain of a person.
The BSIP/UIG is pictured.
According to the Guardian, the researchers said that improvements in education will reduce dementia cases by 6.2 million in the year 2050, but that the increase in smoking and high blood sugar will cause an additional 6.8 million cases.
High blood pressure, depression, physical activity, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, head injury, exposure to air pollution and low education are some of the risk factors for dementia.
The rate of dementia is projected to increase in every country, ranging from a 1,926% increase in Qatar to a 27% increase in Japan.
The researchers estimated that the prevalence of dementia would increase by 117% by the year 2050 due to the growth of the elderly population alone.
In the next two decades, there will be over 100 million adults with dementia.
The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is the lead author of the study.
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Dementia is a syndrome that harms memory and other functions of thought beyond what would be expected from aging. The World Health Organization said that dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging. A study published in the Lancet suggested that low education might be a risk factor for dementia, because improved health education helps decrease the risk of head injury or of excessive alcohol drinking.
The number is big.
$818 billion. The WHO estimated the annual cost of treating dementia.
There was aContra.
According to the WHO, 70% of all dementia cases are caused by Alzheimer's. The first trials of a vaccine for Alzheimer's began in Boston in November. The FDA has fast-tracked trials of Biogen and Esai's lecanemab, a therapy which could treat early forms of the disease.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Rita Hayworth, James Stewart, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are famous people who have been diagnosed with dementia.
The study found that the number of people with dementia will exceed 150 million by the year 2050.