Three people familiar with the matter said that the author of "Anonymous", a former national security official, and a former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff were among the people Grisham did not name. An invitation was sent out to other former officials to join the group. Grisham said the meeting will be in person and online.
I think it's important for people who are still supporting him to hear from people who worked with him in the past. We are not going to just talk about the former president. Grisham said on CNN that they were going to talk about the people who are surrounding him. It doesn't have to be him, you can still be proud of his policies, you can still be behind a lot of America First policies that he implemented. It doesn't have to be a man who has caused chaos and destruction in the country.
It is not clear if the gathering of Trump alumni next week will result in the formation of a political entity. If it does, it would be the latest addition to a constellation of groups focused on speaking out against Trump, Trumpism and his lies about the 2020 election. Taylor co-founded Renew America Movement, a group to support candidates across the political spectrum that are in favor of reforms to strengthen democracy.
According to a recent USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll, a majority of Republicans believe that Joe Biden was not elected president because of Trump's false claims of voter fraud.
A request for comment was not returned by the former president's spokesman.
Grisham told reporters that she cooperated fully with the committee. She wrote a tell-all book about her time in the administration after she resigned as chief of staff to the first lady.
Grisham told CNN that she hopes to speak to Trump supporters to help them understand who he is.
The man is a master. He gets people to help him. I was one of them. I want people who believe in him to talk to me. Grisham wants to explain who he really is. I hope for a good fight in 2022. I am ready to do what I can.