Are you interested in more proof that we are living in a late-stage capitalism hellscape? In Europe, tens of thousands of empty planes are being flown due to an air traffic rule, which is causing pollution.
According to The Bulletin, the European Union rule requiring airlines to operate at least half of their flights in order to keep their spots at airports has resulted in 18,000 empty flights this winter by the Germany-based airline.
The EU required airlines to meet 80 percent of their scheduled takeoffs and landings in order to keep their slots. The Bulletin noted that the 50 percent figure is still too high for passenger demand.
The EU should reconsider the rule again for environmental reasons, because the Omicron variant has already led to the cancellation of 33,000 flights.
Climate-friendly exceptions have been found in times of Pandemic in most other parts of the world. The EU doesn't allow this in the same way.
On paper, the EU and Lufthansa have pledged to reduce their carbon emissions over the next decade. The debacle flies in the face of the pledges, given that a single return ticket from New York City to Europe contributes almost a ton of carbon dioxide alone.
The EU has been asked by the Belgian minister of mobility to reduce the rate as the tiny country's Brussels Airlines account for 3,000 of those 18,000 "ghost flights."
Regulators are not budging. The European Commission for Transport has signaled that it won't reduce the requirement below 50 percent, with a spokesman suggesting that the current reduction is more than enough.
The perfect storm of capitalism mired in bureaucracy is what this quagmire is.
The solution is simple, and that is to stop these ghost flights now.
The bottom line is still the most important factor in this game of chicken, even though there is a global pandemic and climate change.
European Airlines are operating 18,000 empty flights because of a dumb rule.
Airlines are flying near empty ghost flights as the coronaviruses rages.
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