Andrew Myrick is from the central region.
We brought you some of the best fitness and food tracking apps for your phone, but we wanted to make sure that we addressed the last part of your health profile: your brain. It's surprising that many of us don't take care of our health.
These are the best mental health apps. When you're done here, be sure to check out our best Android apps.
We took different apps from different areas of mental health so that you can find what you need. There are still quite a few mental health apps in the Play Store. We discovered that they were suitable for a variety of mental health needs.
Calm is a very well-known meditation app. It's well designed, and it fits in with the theme of the event.
What's Up? is a general mental health app. It has a lot of features like positive and negative habit tracking, and more.
NotOK is a panic alert system for people with suicidal thoughts.
1. It's calm.
Jordan Palmer is from the central region of the world.
The best meditation app out there is Calm, even more so than its direct competitor Headspace. You need to understand that the app offers a lot of different guided meditation services. You can choose the duration that suits you.
There are programs for relaxation, better sleep, de-stressing, calming anxiety, and self-esteem. All are welcome, from beginners like me who have trouble sitting for longer than a minute to more advanced users.
You can choose from a variety of sounds and scenes to help you sleep. I have found it useful in the past and it's really impressive. There is something for everyone.
In the sense that anyone can find something for them, Calm is the premier guided meditation app.
Jordan Palmer is from the central region of the world.
What's Up? is a general mental health app that uses techniques from other mental health therapies. It's meant to help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, anger problems, and panic attacks. A diary for symptom tracking, a game of 100 questions to keep you grounded, and a habit tracker are all included.
What's Up? is a great starting point for anyone looking to step outside of their comfort zone. What's Up? is an awesome companion to have with you when you're going through a tough time.
The app is free, but you can make a donation via in-app purchase. You can also get additional themes for doing so.
What's Up? is a great mental health app. It has a lot of features to help you cope.
We're a big fan of things that try to prevent suicides. Teenagers developed notOK for their peers who were facing suicidal thoughts. Adults can get the same benefits from it. The app works as a panic alarm system, which means that it can alert your close contacts that you are not okay. You can set up a support network from within the app.
The app will send a message to them saying that you're not okay and need help, in the form of a visit, a text, or a call. Your support network can find you easier if you send your gps coordinates. You can support it via in-app purchases. Simple apps are sometimes all that is needed to save a life.
NotOK is for people who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. It acts as a panic alarm when you need help.
A lot of people can find what they need in the top three. That doesn't mean that the others are less important. They may be more focused on mental health.
Mental health training.
You can find it on the Play store.
This is a great option for those trying to learn more about their own mental health concerns, because you're diving into a mental health training app. It is easier to start the day with a clear mind and end it on the right foot if you perform morning and evening routines.
You can perform a number of exercises throughout the day to clear your mind. The app makes it easy to journal, which can help improve your mental health. Being able to visualize how you are progressing makes it easier to recognize when things are not going as planned.
This app is great for training your mental health, regardless of whether you're a beginner or already know how to keep track of your mental health.
You can find it on the Play store.
At first glance, it seems like an app where you can take care of your pet on your phone. The more you take care of the pet, the more you realize that you're actually taking care of yourself. Throughout the day, you'll be prompted to perform various tasks that will give Finch energy, with each task offering different amounts of energy.
You can use the app to perform breathing exercises, create and keep up with a journal, and even help focus with different sounds. This is designed to help you take better care of your mental health, but it can also be used as a habit tracker and offers quizzes to help you understand what's going on with you.
The Play Store is from the Google Play Store.
You might have guessed that NOCD is for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be difficult to understand by the general public. The app was designed by people who suffer from the disorder and experts who treat it. NOCD pairs you with a therapist. The app can be used to create a treatment plan for your disorder.
Between sessions, you have access to other therapy tools. NOCD isn't meant to replace your other treatments, but it can be used to reduce the severity of your symptoms. NOCD works with different insurance companies in the US and claims to have affordable options for those paying out of pocket.
The NOCD app is for people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. It pairs you with a therapist who can help you with your symptoms.
Jordan Palmer is from the central region of the world.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious condition for people who have experienced trauma. It can happen to anyone, even though we most commonly hear about combat veterans and abuse victims. If you need to see a therapist about the possibility of post-traumatic stress disorder, and if you can manage your symptoms and improve over time, you can use thePTSD Coach app.
The self-assessment is based on 20 questions about the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The app will give you a score and give you advice on how to proceed. It encourages you to take the assessment again once a month to see how you're doing. The app has other tools, such as soothing pictures and sounds to calm you down, as well as things you add yourself. If you're having trouble, you can reach out to the contacts in the app.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be difficult to manage, but thePTSD Coach is here to help. It's there to offer help and guidance as you work through your symptoms.
Jordan Palmer is from the central region of the world.
A number of people are affected by the disorder. It comes in two forms, with a couple of derivatives, and presents a serious problem. Like many mental health disorders, it is often misunderstood. eMoods is an app that is designed for people with a disease.
eMoods is a simple mood tracking app where the data stays local unless you export it. You can track the severity of mania, depression, and anxiety symptoms. If you had any psychotic symptoms that day, you can tell it. You can get a bird's eye calendar view for your analysis or export a monthly report to send to your therapist or psychiatrist.
eMoods can help you track your moods and understand your symptoms of bipolar disorder. You can export reports for your medical professional.
The Play Store is from the Google Play Store.
Those suffering from substance abuse, personality disorders, suicidal ideation, and so on can benefit from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. There are therapists who specialize in this practice. If you want to get a head start, then you should check out DBT Coach.
Through the teaching of skills and techniques, the DBT Coach hopes to improve your mental health. You will be learning different lessons, completing exercises and meditating. It's quite a robust app. There are discussion groups for you to talk to other people who are going through the same thing.
Anyone looking to acquire DBT skills should use this app. Lessons and exercises are some of the features of the DBT Coach.
Jordan Palmer is from the central region of the world.
Youper is the last one on our list. This emotional therapy app uses the power of artificial intelligence to help you deal with stress, anxiety, or the feeling of being overwhelmed. It includes elements from cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, andMindfulness to help you get motivated, deal with what's bothering you, or improve your self-esteem.
A lot of people only need one conversation. Youper's artificial intelligence will figure out what you need most based on your responses. I had to go through some exercises to deal with some negative emotions. Youper is a chatbot that helps you be your best emotional self.
Youper is an emotional health assistant. It works well for basic needs.
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