There are 125 people on a flight testing positive for coronaviruses, and a man is going to jail for faking a negative coronaviruses test result. Here is another story.
A traveler on an American Airlines flight.
The photos that were taken during the flight were shared by a user on the site, and they show a plane with no TVs, blue seats, and red headrests. The woman seated in front of the traveler is texting while he takes pictures of the conversation, which has gone viral.
The pictures are blurry, but you can see that she is texting in the first picture.
We have Covid. We are coming home a day early. On the plane.
The next text has an explanation for how that happened.
When we got to the hockey game last night, you had to either have a vaccine or a negative test. The guy allowed me to sneak in sharing nana'd but made dad go and take the test. They tested him twice and he was positive.
The woman was allowed into the hockey event using grandma's negative coronaviruses test or vaccination card.
How would you deal with this situation?
How would you handle this situation if you were in the position of the user on the forum?
Would you confront the passenger?
Would you alert the crew member?
Would you post on the site?
Would you not do anything?
The passengers seated near her were at risk due to her selfishness.
I hope American Airlines can figure out who this passenger is. All major airlines in the United States make you agree that you don't have coronaviruses at check-in. Hopefully American Airlines can ban this traveler if they can prove that this family violated the policy. Unless the user on the forum reaches out to the airline with the information, it will be hard to identify her.
The bottom line.
A lot of people are infectious with coronaviruses. We hope that people don't do that. A passenger saw a traveler texting about having a coronaviruses on a flight. It was an uncomfortable situation to be in.
How would you handle this situation?
The tip of the hat is Textuality.