NASCAR Rejects Anti-Biden 'Let's Go Brandon' Car Sponsorship

Brandon Brown's car sponsorship was stopped by NASCAR because he was anti-Joe Biden.

The racing organization has yet to confirm the decision.

The team said that it went through all proper protocols to get the A-OK from Brandonbilt, adding that it didn't speak with them before making their decision to withdraw the approval.

"We are disappointed that NASCAR leadership has decided to backtrack and not give the team or driver the confidence to win the race."

Brown struck a deal with, which clearly took its name from the "Let's Go Brandon" chant.

NBC broadcasts.

NASCAR decided not to allow any "Let's Go Brandon" related sponsorships after the meme spread like wildfire in November.

Brandon's team took a shot at NASCAR's leadership for putting them in an awkward position.

We reached out to NASCAR, but no word back.