5G is one of the favorite targets of conspiracy theorists.
The claims surrounding this particular conspiracy are so crazy that it's spreading like wildfire on all corners of the web.
What is the latest 5G conspiracy theory?
5G is causing people to spontaneously combust in different countries as the mobile network gets "turned up" or "launches" in that part of the world.
A post on the right-wing social network got the attention of 5G. This is not true. The Mashable Screenshot is credit.
This is going to happen in the United States of America as well, according to the conspiracy theory. It will be January 5, 2022, to be precise. 5G will be "turned up" here too, according to the claims.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
This is not true. People aren't blowing up because of 5G. To be perfectly clear, people are not suddenly exploding.
5G has been used for a long time. It is not being launched suddenly. If that's what "turned up" means, then no one is cranking up the 5G with the big 5G dial.
Conspiracy theorists are making up stories about 5G. The Mashable Screenshot is credit.
What's going on here?
Crowds of people surround individuals who suddenly collapse as smoke comes out of their faces in videos on Facebook, TikTok, and Telegram. The videos are being used to prove that something is happening.
The videos are disturbing. No one is spontaneously combusting. The videos depict protesters in Iraq being shot at close range with non-lethal tear gas rounds. When police shoot these at close range, they become lethal and can actually become embedded into someone's head, creating that disturbing image caught on camera.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
COVID-19 is a part of most modern conspiracy theories. There's usually an element of 5G happening to the vaccine when this latest 5G conspiracy pops up online. 5G and the coronaviruses are inseparable in the conspiratorial world. 5G conspiracies have led to people burning down mobile towers.
There is no connection between 5G and COVID-19.
The elites and powerful interests must know that the 5G network is going to go down on Jan. 5 because some movie ticket websites won't let you purchase seats after that.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
Some theaters have stepped in to explain that this is normal, as new releases enter the theaters on Fridays and the schedule changes have not been rolled out yet.
It's possible that Tweet has been deleted.
The 355, starring Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong'o, and Penelope Cruz, is the latest film to be released this week, and believers in the pro-Trump conspiracy theory are trying to find meaning in it. Conspiracy theorists are trying to figure out why it is the only movie currently scheduled to play in movie theaters.
This is not true again. There is no deeper meaning here. Some movie theater listings were not updated when these people went to the theaters. The 355 is an action movie.
The 355 is an action movie that will be released this week. It has become a point of discussion for conspiracy theorists. The Mashable Screenshot is credit.
There was more speculation in these communities regarding what's happening this week because Donald Trump was planning a press conference on January 6. Trump canceled his conference on Tuesday.
The 5G conspiracy was influenced by Trump's canceled press conference. The Mashable Screenshot is credit.
5G has been a big story this week. Major wireless carriers such as AT&T and Verizon announced they would be postponing the roll out of new 5G service across the country due to concerns it could interfere with aircraft systems. The January 5 date comes from this location. The original launch date for 5G was that day.
There is a long-standing issue between the wireless carries and the airline industry when it comes to 5G. It seems like a perfect example of a conspiracy theory. The prevailing 5G conspiracy theory is that 5G is causing people's heads to explode.
The new 5G roll out date is January 19 and it looks like someone needs to let the conspiracy theorists know.