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Ti or Ti?
It has been a question that fans of the company have been asking for years, ever since the company started referring to its most powerful graphics cards as Ti.
The Turing Ti has faster memory and performance.
How do you pronounce it? There are two camps, one of which is that it is pronounced like the neck garment or the first syllable of "titanium", while the other is that it is pronounced like initials. The company's presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show showed different presentations saying "tie" and "tee-eye" from one segment to the next.
Is it a good idea to call it "GeForce" or "Gee-Eee Force"? Absolutely not. Do you say Ertex instead of RTX? Preposterous. Even though the branding dates back to 2001, the debate about the "tie" and "tee-eye" is still raging.
Jeff Fisher, senior vice president of graphics at Nvidia, said it many, many times during the launch of the RTX 3080 Ti.
When Jensen Huang cooks up a new graphics card in his kitchen, he tends to say "tee-eye" instead.
When asked about the proper pronunciation, the company punted on the issue entirely, with the corporate communications director telling The Verge that there is no wrong way to pronounce Ti.
It is a tie, in other words.