The image is from the same source.
Some users reported that the motherboards of the company was melting.
There were reports on social media that a number of the Z690 Hero motherboards were burning and producing smoke.
Specific units manufactured in 2021, could potentially be affected by the fault.
The Z690 Hero is a high-end board for gaming laptops.
The part of a PC that is plugged into is the board.
The majority of those affected have reported seeing a warning code on their screen, which indicates a memory initialisation failure.
One user on the social media platform reported an actual fire being sparked, while others smelled smoke and found burn marks on the products.
TheMaxXHD said that when they shut down their PC, they saw a component on the board that was on fire.
The fault could affect units that were manufactured in 2021.
The owners of the board can check the packaging to see if their hardware is affected.
Customers can type in their serial number on the website to see if their model is faulty.
The company said they have recently received reports about the ROG Maximus Z690 Hero.
The issue could affect units with the part number 90MB18E0MVAAY0 and serial numbers starting with MA, MB, or MC.