The huge surface of the Red Planet is being photographed by China's Tianwen 1 Mars orbiter.
The China National Space Administration shared an image of a closeup of the solar array of the ship, which passed by the north pole of Mars.
A new image shows off the entire spacecraft for the first time, and it looks like it was pulled straight out of a sci-fi movie.
It had to launch a small camera, which floated away to snap a picture and send it back, a technological achievement in and of itself.
The North Pole.
In seven months, the orbiter entered Martian space. In May 2021, it successfully released a rover called Zhurong. China was the third country to softly land a rover on Mars.
The initial three month life expectancy is not taken into account when calculating the distance traveled by Zhurong.
In the planet's vicinity, Tianwen 1 has obtained and transmitted nearly 540 gigabytes of data, and still has sufficient energy, according to the statement.
We will likely hear more from China as it explores the geology and magnetic field of Mars. It is thought that the north pole holds a huge amount of water ice, which is a crucial aspect of surviving on Mars.
China's Mars orbiter snaps amazing selfies above Red Planet.
China has released a video from the space craft.
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