New Roborock robot vacuum cleans mop and empties bin so you don't have to do anything

If you own a robotic vacuum, you know that there's still a lot of work to be done after the robot has done its job.

This may change with the new flagship robot cleaner, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra.

The Roborock S6 MaxV Ultra is a cross between the S6 and S7 and has cameras and smart object detection.

The S7 MaxV Ultra creates a map of your home with support for multiple floors and the ability to avoid certain zones, like most newer Roborock vacuums. The new obstacle avoidance system should make this one better at avoiding obstacles, even in the dark.

The empty wash fill dock is an interesting feature of the new robot. Once docked, the S7 MaxV Ultra will have its dust bin emptied into the dock's container. The robot's mop can be washed by the dock.

I own both the S5 and the S6 MaxV Ultra, and I can confirm that they do a good job of vacuuming and mopping, as well as avoiding obstacles. If this new combo can consistently do all that by itself, it sounds like a winning combo.

The robot is smart, but it's not in the dock. Credit: Roborock.

The auto-refill function for the water can only be used for up to 300 square meters of mopping, which is 50 percent more than the previous function. The dock has a dust bag that can hold up to seven weeks of dust. You'll probably still have to clean and service the robot occasionally, even though all of this does take a lot of work off your hands.

The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra can be purchased separately for $8599.99, but it can also be purchased together for $1,399.99. In the second quarter of 2022, it will be available in the U.S. via Amazon.