Bill Wilson is the image source.
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The company will no longer support its operating system on Tuesday. Bill Wilson is a journalist.
Over the past decade and a half, many conversations have started with "Is that a Blackberry, I didn't know they were still going?"
In hospital intensive care, strangers have looked on curiously and even asked to hold and look at my Q10 phone with its distinctive qwerty keyboard, from airport security to pubs and restaurants.
My stock answer of "yes they are still going" would now have to include "but not their classic phones".
The battle for global smartphone domination has become more difficult since the launch of that particular model and the phones from the Canadian company.
It's hard to believe that in the late 2000s and early 2010s business people were using their phones on trains, trams and planes.
It's the final curtain after reports of the demise of the operating system.
The Canadian firm is turning off its support for theBlackBerry OS on January 4.
BlackBerry thanked their many loyal customers and partners over the years.
Remaining die-hard owners of their devices won't be able to use wi-fi or access mobile data.
Bill Wilson is the image source.
All of the above include all of the above, as well as the tablets based on the PlayBook OS.
The antique Q10 will no longer function, though it may still be useful as a back-up for contact numbers.
The only hope of a long life is that the phones made under the licence of Chinese firm TCL will still work after the operating system is updated.
The support and functions of the Blackberry phone have dropped away over the years.
The support for many apps, including the iPlayer, was withdrawn from the devices.
I was able to download links from far corners of the planet to get the latter two to work again.
Users of the device have become less interested in apps.
I had to sign in to places manually at the start of the coronaviruses epidemic in 2020 because I was unable to download the various health service apps.
Why go to all this trouble?
It's still great for emails, with five or six different addresses all in one stream. The Qwerty keyboard has keys that depress and are not like pressing a hard plank of wood.
As phones have gotten bigger, theBlackBerry still fits nicely in the hand.
Bill Wilson is the image source.
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The Q10 has a keyboard.
Ben Wood is an analyst for CCS Insight and the founder of the Mobile Phone Museum.
He says the dedicated qwerty keyboard was an icon. The devices became so comfortable in people's hands that they were able to deliver fast and accurate text input.
When I show kids some of the mobile phones of yesterday, it always makes me smile.
They love the design diversity. I had a 14 year-old ask me the other day 'Why don't they bring keyboards back?' which made me smile.
It has been almost twenty years since the launch of the 850 phone, and the company became the leader in providing email when out and about.
The riots that swept through many UK cities in the summer of 2011) caused unwanted publicity for the Instant Messenger service, but it was also an attraction.
The police were not allowed to monitor the nature of the messages in order to find out where looters would strike next.
Bill Wilson is the image source.
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Bill has upgraded to a still working model of the device.
The models that followed the classicBlackBerryBold would face increased competition.
The licence of TCL was picked up by Onward Mobility in 2020. It promised a 5GBlackBerry, but nothing came of it.
I will try my luck with a second-hand device, which I bought a long time ago, and which is five years old now.
I will keep my useless Q10 because you never know when someone will ask "is that an antique BlackBerry?".