She asked who appointed the two social media sites to be the authorities of information and misinformation. Big Tech is against the interest of our people when they decide what political speech of elected Members is accepted and what is not.
The post was taken down by Meta, the parent company of Facebook.
A post violated our policies and we have removed it, but removing her account for this violation is beyond the scope of our policies.
On Sunday, she was locked out of her personal account for violating the company's misinformation policy. The permanent suspension does not apply to her official account, despite previous suspensions for similar rules violations.
A first-term lawmaker, she has seen her profile soar due to her controversial social media posts, which have included bigotry, Islamophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, support for conspiracy theories and calls for violence against her political enemies.
The House voted to strip her of her committee membership in February of last year, though she has remained defiant and has seen her star rise in the intervening period.
She is one of a number of prominent Republican lawmakers who have run afoul of social media companies policies and either had their content taken down or faced suspension. Many of them have accused the large platforms of being biased against conservatives.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued a lengthy statement Monday that did not mention Greene by name but hammered social media companies over recent decisions to silence Americans.
He said that any speech that does not fit Big Tech's orthodoxy gets muzzled. America is poorer for that conduct.
On Monday, Sen. Paul announced that he would no longer post to videos on the site unless it was to criticize them, and pointed his audience to a competing platform.
Paul wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Examiner that those who believe in the marketplace of ideas should shun the close-minded censors of Big Tech and take their ideas elsewhere.