January 3, 2022, Tyler Conway@@jtylerconway is featured Columnist.
AP Photo/LM Otero
There is no end date for the MLB Lockout.
According to Bob Nightengale of USA Today, there are no negotiations scheduled for MLB or the players association. The sides only talked about non-core economic issues in December.
There have been few and far between updates on the progress of the negotiations between MLB and its players.
December and January are usually lull months in baseball, so there's not much pressure to get a deal done. The pitchers and catches are supposed to report to their teams on February 14. The closer we are to that date, the less likely we will see a typical spring training.
There will be a period of ramping up for players regardless of whether or not there is a spring training. It's probably time for both sides to start showing more interest in getting a deal done, or there's a real danger that games will be missed and fans will be hurt.
The 1994 baseball player strike caused a huge public backlash that took years to recover from, as MLB's ratings waned in recent seasons.