The program was discontinued by both T-Mobile and Verizon after widespread customer complaints that the program was flawed and rarely worked as intended.
Customers have complained on social media about T-Mobile's program. If it worked out, the program would give customers up to a $200 rebate if they purchased a cellular iPad through T-Mobile or the other carriers. Customers have faced a subpar experience with the program, often reporting being denied for the rebate for unclear reasons.
Mark Gurman, who has criticized the carriers in the past for the ineffectiveness of similar programs, amplified the complaints.
There have been several complaints about the iPad program. At the beginning of December, a spokesman for the company told the Apple correspondent that the program was running as it should for eligible customers.
Apple has removed references to the program on its website, including the purchase pages for its range of iPads.
The rebate program was on Apple's website.
The updated iPad Pro was the reason for the program to start. The program was previously available on all cellular iPad models. The spokespeople for T-Mobile and Verizon did not respond to the request for comment.