According to reports, the Taliban ordered a series of mannequin beheadings, describing the heads of dummies as "idols" that are forbidden by Islam.
The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice told shopkeepers in the western Afghan province of Herat to remove the heads of female mannequins.
The local department of the ministry warned that those who ignore the order will face severe punishments.
According to MailOnline, the Quran considers idolatry to be an unforgivable sin and ministers believed that people were worshiping mannequins as idols.
The director of the local ministry said that looking at the face of a female mannequin is against the law.
An initial order called for the removal of mannequins completely, but a compromise on just removing the heads was agreed to.
The beheading order has caused shopkeepers in Herat to be dismayed. One shopkeeper said that cutting heads off mannequins is a "great loss" and that they cost up to $200 each.
The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Afghanistan was restored after the fall of Kabul. The Ministry of Women Affairs was replaced by the all-male ministry, stoking fears that the Taliban's moral police would decimate women's rights in the country.
Sky News reported this week that the ministry told taxi drivers not to take women on long journeys if they don't have a male chaperone.