Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former personal attorney, said that his lawyers served former Attorney General Bill Barr with legal papers.
The former president retaliated against Cohen by sending him back to prison, according to the lawsuit.
The current director of the federal Bureau of Prisons is named in the lawsuit.
Cohen revealed that Barr had been served with the papers while in Virginia.
Happy New Year! Cohen wrote.
December 30, 2021.
Andrew C Laufer, one of Cohen's lawyers, confirmed that he personally delivered the papers to Bill Barr on Thursday.
"Mr. Barr was not happy at the time of service, he was wearing shorts," Laufer said.
Andrew C Laufer is an attorney.
Cohen served part of a three-year prison sentence for financial crimes at his home after authorities determined that he faced a high risk if he were to get COVID-19.
He said federal authorities told him he would have to agree not to speak to the media or social media if he were to stay at his home.
Cohen waited 90 minutes for clarification and possible revision at the meeting where the new terms of his home confinement were presented.
Cohen says he was held in solitary confinement for 16 days.
Cohen claims that his right to free speech was violated and he seeks damages.
Lawyers for Cohen say that Barr is being sued in an individual capacity because of his role in overseeing Cohen's care, custody, and control.
The lawsuit states that Barr ordered his subordinates to retaliate against the man for exercising his First Amendment rights.
Cohen's lawyers say the lawsuit challenges a dangerous precedent.
Andrew C Laufer wrote on the social networking site that the violations of law committed by the prior administration demonstrates what can happen to any of us if we are targeted for exercising our rights in a way that offends a corrupt president.
Andrew C Laufer is an attorney.