The US Navy fired the top two officers in charge of the Montgomery due to a loss of confidence in their ability to command.
The commanding officer and the executive officer were both relieved of duty. The Navy said that both Lundberg and Zamberlan will be assigned to the Naval Surface Force.
The New York Times and The San Diego Union-Tribune reported shortly after the Navy's December 30 statement that both Zamberlan and Lundberg had been removed due to their handling of a sexual harassment investigation.
The two officers' roles in the investigation are not clear. The ship is based in San Diego.
Cmdr. Lonero has been named the commanding officer until a permanent relief is identified.
The US Navy has had several high-profile sexual harassment scandals in the last year.
A one-star admiral who oversaw Fleet Readiness Centers was relieved of duty in April of last year due to a sexual harassment investigation. The Navy issued a brief statement at the time saying that the firing was due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command.
The former auditor general of the Navy had sexually harassed 12 female Naval Audit Service employees and engaged in a pervasive pattern of sexual harassment and quid pro quo sexual proposition when interacting with female subordinates, according to an inspector general report.