Over the last two years, modern dating has been likened to an obstacle course. From the early days of virtual-only meetups to the lackluster hot vax summer, singles haven't caught a break. Will that change with a new year on the horizon?
Dating Sunday is almost here, so the answer is no.
Dating Sunday is the first Sunday of the year and it is when singles come out of the woodwork to use dating apps. The post-New Year's Day frenzy in 2016 is when the term was first used. Match's chief dating expert called the day the "Super Bowl of dating apps" in 2020.
It's easy to have high expectations for Dating Sunday, which falls on January 2, 2022. I'm here to tell you that the hopes may not be met, as a veteran of both the day and dating apps. On Dating Sunday, you may not find the love of your life.
On Dating Sunday, OkCupid sees a 70 percent increase in user activity. 10 percent of all January swipeds occur on that date, according to the dating app.
The reasoning behind it makes sense. December is "proposal season" and it can remind us of our singleness if we take time off during the holidays to focus on family. January is often seen as a fresh start, and daters may have newfound optimism to go out and find a partner. It's logical that our thumbs are a-swiping because of the close proximity to Valentine's Day.
It won't be a factor in determining what the rest of the year will be like.
The societal reality we're all facing is ignored by the promise of Dating Sunday. This will be the second Pandemic Dating Sunday, and we're seeing a surge of the highly transmissible omicron variant.
This makes dating much harder. People may want to avoid meeting others in person in the immediate future. They may feel depressed about the state of the world and not want to engage in light banter during a time of stress.
The actual day is up for debate according to one app. On Jan. 2 and Jan. 9, OkCupid said there will be a double Dating Sunday. On January 2nd, OKCupid predicts a lot of likes, matches, and conversations for daters. Some users will get a later start the following week, and that will be exceptional according to the dating app.
There is a push to participate on two days.
I understand that Dating Sunday falls when it does, but I believe it could be a bad idea to start the year with it. If you don't find a match on Dating Sunday, you might think that it's a sign that the year is going to be like the previous two.
This isn't true. The rest of the year won't be decided by one day, but by the millions of users of the most popular apps. There will be more opportunities after the first two Sundays of the year. The days in between may be lucrative. The days, weeks, and months afterwards.
The rest of the year won't be affected by how Dating Sunday shakes out. You can find love again if you don't participate. When Monday rolls around, those excited singles will still be around.
You want a potential match to put in the effort so you should do that as well.
If you want to put your best foot forward, do it. Experts recommend that you complete your bio and include at least three photos of yourself. You can fill out other fields in some apps. You want a potential match to put in the effort so you should do that as well.
Managing expectations is something I'm preaching to the choir. Dating wasn't for the faint of heart during the Pandemic. Dating Sunday is just one of the many obstacles on the way to finding a match.