The chief medical officer for Johnston Health got a surprise over the Christmas holidays, and he is using it to remind his colleagues how important it is to get vaccinations.
In an email sent to about 2,200 Johnston Health employees, Dr. McCaskill said that he and his household were masked and social distanced during the Pandemic and were able to avoid getting COVID-19.
The holidays hit.
McCaskill's son drove all night from Florida to arrive a week before Christmas. The son was tired for the first couple of days of his visit, and the family was affected by allergies. His symptoms got worse with the start of a cough and chills.
McCaskill wrote that he still didn't suspect COVID despite the fact that he developed a dry throat on Christmas Eve. After McCaskill developed other mild symptoms, including achy joints, fatigue, congestion and a slight hoarseness in his voice, his wife urged him to get tested.
McCaskill said that he thought it was a mild viral cold because of his minimal symptoms.
McCaskill said that he was a bit shocked by the positive test result. I went to the hospital to be checked out. I decided to paint part of the deck because I felt normal and had lots of nervous energy. My only symptoms at that time were mild hoarseness and slight nose congestion. I have been working out in the yard since then because I have been mostly symptom free.
McCaskill said in the email and phone interview that his two youngest children developed minor symptoms, while his older son was sick for several days.
McCaskill said that the vaccine and booster shots are most likely the reason why she and her family have had minimal symptoms. My son from Florida did not get the booster shot he was supposed to get in January, but he still coughs and feels short of breath when going up the stairs. My other son who did not get the vaccine is still sick. I feel great and have minimal symptoms. My family is well protected by the vaccine.
McCaskill said to get the vaccine and booster shot during the new surge.
UNC Health has a health system in Smithfield. The system's hospitals were caring for 355 COVID patients as of Saturday morning, up from a low of 77 just before Thanksgiving, according to Alan Wolf. Wolf said that the health system had increased from six COVID patients in November to 45 on Saturday.
Most of the people hospitalized with COVID have not been fully protected.
The state Department of Health and Human Services reported 19,174 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, up from 18,571 the day before. In January, the highest single day jump in cases was 11,581.
The US Centers for Disease Control believes that anyone with the omicron variant can spread the virus to others even if they have no symptoms.
The clear backpacks will be a safety measure following the shooting that left four dead.
There are mandates. There are remote classes. There is outdoor dining. President Joe Biden sought to assure Americans that they would not return to the dark days of March 2020 when he spoke about the future of vaccines and tests. The promise of powerful ant, along with new variant identification, can be found in those discoveries.
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The post Don Lemon hosted CNN's New Year's Eve celebration and his comments went viral on social media appeared first on The
The vaccines are effective. The hospitalist writes that anyone who says otherwise doesn't have your interests in mind.
You could tell it was sarcasm. The condemnation of the inaccurate claim was swift after President Donald Trump said during a rally in June that increased testing was responsible for the surging number of infections. During a town hall on Fox News, Sean Hannity asked Trump about his comments on increased testing. He said that if we didn't do tests, we would look great. This seems to be true.
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On New Year's Eve, the Friends star shared a collection of special moments from the year 2021.
An NYPD officer taking a nap in his car between two New Year's shifts was shot in the head by a stray bullet. The officer woke up in the parking lot outside the 25th Precinct stationhouse to find the window of his personal vehicle shattered and blood dripping from his head wound. He was taken to New York Presbyterian.
They spent Christmas in the hospital because they didn't get their vaccine.
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Questions linger about how much funding is available to help bolster financially- strapped small businesses as the Omicron variant surge across the economy.
According to the UK government, vaccine protection held up against hospitalization, but waned after the second dose. The protection was raised by a booster.
Things got messy.
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You look stunning and classy! Grease costar John Travolta posted a picture of the dress on his social media accounts.
The United States is expected to see a sharp increase in cases in the middle of January after South Africa passed the peak of its coronaviruses cases. The omicron variant has spread around the world in a matter of weeks, even among people who have recovered from previous infections. The United States set a new record on Thursday with 580,000 cases.
Left-wing media pundits accused the Florida governor of neglecting his duties while he was on vacation while his wife was undergoing cancer treatment.
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The good fight was fought by you, Coach. School officials said in a social media post that they loved the coach who died after battling COVID-19.
The labels at the grocery store are about to be changed. The goal was to get rid of the patchwork of different labels for foods and ingredients that have been tinkered with. Food advocates say that the move puts a greater burden on consumers to understand what the labels mean.
Lower Broadway is the center of Nashville that tourists look for: bright lights, bars, and crowds that can rival those in Times Square. Some in the city see an urgent need to create something different and an opportunity to do it. A year ago, on Christmas morning, a man blew up a recreational vehicle packed with explosives. No.
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Republicans are looking to flip a number of governors' mansions across the country in the next gubernatorial election in 2022. The political environment is favorable for Republicans to oust vulnerable people.
The police chief said that the victims who died were fathers, brothers and sons who were killed by guns. Here is more.
Cruz and Fauci are both critics of the top disease doctor and he is accused of editing his message when it comes to COVID-19 hospitalizations during the Biden administration.