Two new species of spinosaurid dinosaurs were discovered on the Isle of Wight. Anthony Hutchings has an image credit.
The beetle is roly-poly. A lizard. A rice rat is an example of island gigantism. There are two dinosaurs. The Natural History Museum in London discovered more than 500 species in defiance of COVID-19 restrictions.
Two dinosaurs were found on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom. The extinct spinosaurid were affectionately named "hell heron" and "riverbank hunter" Live Science previously reported that a new U.K. dinosaur was named "chief dragon", even though it was the size of a chicken.
"It's been a great year for the description of new dinosaurs, especially from the U.K.," said a senior researcher at the museum. The application of new techniques and new data from around the world is helping to uncover a hidden diversity of British dinosaurs.
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The museum's access to international field sites and other museums was restricted due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 552 new plant and animal species were described by researchers, curators and scientific associates of the museum.
More than half of the new species were part of a group of crustaceans called copepods. The animals live in the water and provide food for larger animals such as fish.
The new copepods were described by Boxshall and Kim in South Korea, and were collected over 60 years ago by the Monniots.
Boxshall said that the huge Monniot collection was made available to him and his wife, who were both recently retired. The collection was so large it was intimidating.
Boxshall was unable to enter the museum so he wrote a series of papers describing the copepods as a lockdown project. The new finds included 90 beetles, 52 was, 13 moths, eight algae, six parasites and five plants.
The remains of an oversized rodents, Megalomys camerhogne, also called a rice rat, and a mouse-like creature were discovered by scientists.
Live Science published the original article.