Russia will be the first country where state television channels will have to be streamed on the internet. The platform was registered by the country's media watchdog. Channel One, NTV and a Russian Orthodox Church channel called Spas are some of the channels that will have to be carried by Netflix.
The register was established late last year and includes streaming services with more than 100,000 daily users. According to The Moscow Times, registered platforms need to set up a Russian company.
The companies on the register have to obey Russian laws. For one thing, the company won't be allowed to promote "extremism." Critics say that provision has been used against those who support the opposition.
The other video services argued that since it met the requirements, it should be added to the register. National Media Group has a stake in Channel One and operates the Russian version of Netflix.
The website has contacted the streaming service.
Russia was investigating a complaint over the content on the internet. The company said that the content was rated appropriately. Russia ordered several tech giants to set up offices in its borders by the end of the year.