Spend less. Save more. Don't eat too much. Exercise more. You are familiar with the drill. It is clean-slate time again. It is time to write a new list of New Year's resolutions. Maybe.
It is difficult to stick to your resolutions. According to a study by the University of Scranton, 40 percent of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but only 8 percent of them achieve them.
The 5 most popular talks of all time.
To help you make good on your goals for 2015, whether you want to get physically or financially fit or both -- or just to be a better, happier you all-around -- these inspiring TED Talks will motivate you to stick to your resolutions. Don't give up, best of luck! We are rooting for you as well.
1. Emily Balcetis explains why some people find exercise harder than others.
Millions of Americans pledge to lose weight at the beginning of January and many do. Yours is included. Emily Balcetis points out in her talk that many already break their weight loss goals by February 14. They feel defeated and give up.
You can bounce back from failure by listening to some motivational talks.
People fail to plan and execute effective diet and exercise regimes because of this. It seems like they are too lazy to get up off the couch and move. Balcetis thinks that they may have the wrong view of exercise. She says that the less in shape a person is, the more likely he is to think exercise is hard. To keep your eyes on the prize, the trick is to change your attitude about exercise. Balcetis suggests hyper focus on the goal in front of you, not on how hard it is to achieve. Your attitude could affect your altitude.
2. David Steindl- Rast wants to be happy. Be grateful.
Everyone in the world wants the same thing: to be happy. There is no magic pill for happiness. The easy way to bliss is what most of us want.
Everyentrepreneur should watch the inspiring TED talks.
Maybe the secret to happiness is more stuff. More money. More, more, more. Some of the richest people are not happy. Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, offers a different path to happiness, one that can be drawn from the simple yet potent daily practice of being grateful and sharing your gratitude with others. He believes that happiness is yours if you stop, look, and go in the moment.
3. Carol Dweck talks about the power of believing that you can improve.
You will achieve if you believe. It is more than just psychobabble. In her uplifting talk, Carol Dweck explains that mind over matter is real and works.
We can grow our brain's ability to learn and solve problems even if they are difficult to solve. If you make a mistake along the way, just process it, learn from it, and move on.
3 TED Talks will convince you to get more sleep.
Maybe it is not that you aren't smart enough to solve a difficult problem. You haven't solved it yet. It sounds like making New Year's resolutions. Maybe you didn't achieve some of them because you didn't believe you could. You know better. The results will come if you believe in yourself.
4. The key to success is attributed to the woman. It was tough.
It's the elbow grease of motivation that keeps us going in the face of obstacles. It is the single personality trait that separates the successful from the unsuccessful.
There are 5 TED Talks that may change your view on life.
There is a certain amount of strength. There is passion. Perseverance. The key ingredient in reaching our long-term goals is possessed grit. "Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality."
One of the most-watched TED talks speakers gave 7 powerful public speaking tips.