The new game show, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?, was created by Jeff Foxworthy, who beat Rodgers to it.
After putting his teammates in danger, Rodgers is not smarter than a fifth graders. Or a third grade student. A first graders. When it comes to getting a vaccine against the novel coronaviruses, the person to ask is a doctor, not Joe Rogan.
There is nothing stupid about getting COVID-19. You can get a vaccine, wear a mask, and wash your hands. Not taking those precautions is idiotic because of the increased risk of catching the bug and the higher chance of severe outcomes for the unvaccinated.
Rodgers missed one game after his alternative treatment plan did not prevent him from getting the disease, but he was able to avoid serious illness. He whined that the media is trying to shame and cancel people who are unvaccinated, and continued to tout horse deworming medication as a way to treat COVID.
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He is partially correct about that. The media tried to shame the unvaccinated by saying that they put everyone around them at a higher risk of catching a deadly virus. The media has tried to get the unvaccinated to get vaccinations so that they don't get the deadly virus.
Rodgers is the poster boy of covidiocy because he is a big fat liar. In August, Rodgers said that he was "immunized" and that he thought he could get away with it. That was a lie. For three months, until he tested positive and his spot got blown up, Rodgers was running around and breaking NFL protocol, not only endangering his own health, but everyone he came in contact with.
Rodgers claimed to have an allergy to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. His skepticism of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine may have been valid, as the other shots have proven more effective. He should have told the truth instead of playing footsie with it, because he was notmunized.
Do you know how much it takes to make Tom Brady the voice of reason about what to put in your body? Deadspin has a level of IDIOT of the year. That is what Rodgers is.
There arediots of month and year.