Do you want to know the latest information on the telescope? You can see all the data on the NASAdashboard, including location, the current deployment info, temperatures and more.
Everything you need to know about the journey of the second Lagrange point, or L2, can be found on the "Where's Webb" site. It will take another two weeks to reach L2 after the deployment is over.
NASA has a frequently updated blog with details on the latest events.
You can find the latest news via NASA, the Space Telescope Science Institute, and the European Space Agency.
NASA will provide broadcast coverage, media briefings, and other updates on major deployment milestones over the next two weeks. NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency's website will show broadcasts of milestone events.
The Where's Webb site reported how the telescope's momentum flap deployed shortly after 9am. The flap will help counteract the force of the solar wind on the telescope. The observatory has already extended the mission. The sun shield is under a lot of pressure from the sunlight. The sun shield is kept steady by the use of the momentum flap.
The #Webb team completed deployment of the observatory's aft momentum flap today, which helps minimize the fuel engineers will need to use throughout the lifetime of the observatory. There are details in this picture.
December 30, 2021.
The sunshade deploy phase can begin with the deployment of the momentum flap. The protective covers will be rolled up out of the way when the launch restraints are released today.
The sunshade extract will begin on Friday, December 31. The two pallets that were deployed this week will be extended by two midbooms. The sun shield will be pulled out by the midbooms. The process is expected to start on the 31st.
Do you want to make your own deployment schedule? You can download and print the one put together by Dr. Hammel and her colleagues from AURA. The AURA site has a new one written by Hammel.
You can have your own list for reference. It will be posted on my fridge soon. I'mpatience if there's a slight loading delay, I'm working to get that fixed.
December 29, 2021, by Dr. HEIDI B.HAMMEL
The telescope will be fully deployed 13 days after launch on January 7, and will reach its final destination at 29.5 days after launch on January 23. The entire observatory will be ready for science operations in the summer of 2022.
This new high-resolution view of the separation from the Ariane 5 upper stage was released today. You can see the deployment of the solar array.