A woman from Tennessee faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
A Tennessee woman turned herself in to the FBI on Tuesday after she was accused of attacking two flight attendants on a flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Nashville.
According to the criminal complaint, one of the crew members decided to stop serving Henry because she was consuming so many alcoholic drinks.
She became disruptive and was seen by other passengers smoking.
She made lewd sexual advances to two male passengers, according to the complaint.
When a flight attendant asked Henry to change seats, she refused, grabbed her carry-on bag and ran toward the front of the plane screaming, "I'm getting off this plane."
The criminal complaint said that Henry kicked and hit a flight attendant who tried to restrain her.
She was restrained with zip ties before the plane landed in Nashville, where she resisted getting into a police vehicle.
After spending the night in jail, Henry was released and the case was dismissed.
Henry was charged with interfering with flight crew members and attendants on the November 29 flight.
She could face up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted.