Michael Le Page is a person.
The variant is viewed using an electron microscope.
Steve Gschmeissner is in the photo library.
We have been watching the evolution of coronaviruses as one variant after another emerges and causes more infections around the world. There is no guarantee that the future variant will be any less dangerous than the present one.
survival for the coronaviruses is to infecting as many people as possible. Variants that are better at spreading will win. Transmissibility is a key part of this. The original virus spread so quickly that every person who had it had two or three others. Delta can cause six or seven infections. Omicron seems to be spreading.
The virus is becoming more infectious, but it isn't fully understood. It might be because it is better at replicating itself, meaning that more people shed the virus.
It used to be easy to spread the disease. Most people in the world have immunity because of previous infections. Alterations in the outer spike protein, the main target of our antibodies, are what are changing the immunity of omicron.
There is a limit to how much more infectious the virus can become, but it may be able to evade our immune response. We may see the emergence of new versions of the human flu virus that evade the immune system and cause infections.
Most people around the world have immunity from past infections.
It is possible that different viral lineages will evolve over time, rather than being wiped out by a single variant. The flu vaccine can be combined into a single dose.
It is said that new viruses will cause milder symptoms. There is little pressure for it to do this because it is the most infectious before symptoms appear. Smallpox was lethal and could have gotten worse over time. The Flu still exacts a high death toll.
There is a concern that the virus could be circulating in other animals, causing new versions that could jump back into people.
Most people in the world have some immunity, even though it is possible that future variants may cause more severe illness in people with no immunity. Even if it doesn't prevent infections, this will still provide some protection against severe illness.
We can expect this immunity to diminish over time. If you have already had a booster shot, you could find yourself waiting in line to get888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-3166 to888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-3166 to888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-3166 to888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-3166 to888-607-888-607-888-607-888-607-3166 to
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