Washington D.C.'s mayor announced on Wednesday that all public school students and staff must provide a negative Covid-19 test result in order to return to in-person learning on January 5.
The school is in Washington, DC.
The images are from the same company.
Students can take free rapid tests on January 3 and 4 at public schools, but a photo or PDF of negative test results must be uploaded to the district that day according to guidance released by the mayor.
Staff must return to work on January 3 and can pick up free rapid tests at the school by noon, or they must report their results by 1 p.m.
The D.C. will be giving away free masks.
There was 90,000. According to ABC News, how many students will be given free tests.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
New York City, the largest school district in the country, announced Tuesday that students are not required to take a test before returning to class on January 3. The number of people randomly tested in schools is expected to double after the return, and students and staffers are encouraged to visit city-wide free testing sites or pick up free rapid tests before returning. In Los Angeles, the second-largest district nationally, all students and staffers will have to take a baseline test in the first week of January, though a negative test is not required for individuals prior to returning. Chicago provided rapid tests to students in communities that were hit the hardest by the Pandemic, and encouraged them to get tested before returning to school on January 3.
The key background.
According to data from the University, the U.S. broke a record for the highest seven-day average of cases in a week. The previous record was 250,000.
The US has broken the previous record of new covid cases.