The phrases "Tony the Tiger" and "Eugene Levy" are no longer allowed in the app.
Users will see a pop-up explaining that the content has been hidden because of potentially suggestive or explicit content, if they use the personal blog that flags itself as mature. Some posts will be hidden in the search function and on user's dashboard, which shows recommended posts, as well as content from the users they are following.
In order for us to remain in Apple's App Store and for our Tumblr app to be available, we needed to make changes that would help us be more compliant with their policies around sensitive content.
The image is from the Tumblr.
The unofficial list of tags was created by users of the Tumblr app in order to comply with the policies of the app. Some of the banned tags make sense for a platform trying to scrub itself of sensitive content. If you think about them for too long, they are incomprehensible, like Tony the Tiger and Eugene Levy. tags with the numbers 69 and 420 are not allowed.
Some of the tag bans on the site effectively censor the conversations that users have on the site. Stimming, a common form of therapy for people with Autistic people, is banned along with tags like depression,PTSD andbipolar.
The changes will affect how users are able to access potentially sensitive content while using the app, and that can be frustrating. We will keep the community updated as we work on more thoughtful solutions which will be rolled out in the near future.
A former Tumblr engineer who is now a sreegs explained what might be causing this problem and its ineffective, bandaid-like solutions.
If a reviewer finds porn, your app is rejected and you are told to fix the problem. The engineer said that once every five updates, this would happen, but once the offending post was removed, the app would be good to go.
There would be a persistent reviewer on Tumblr. It would take a few porn scrubs and re-submissions before they would approve an update. The engineer thinks that this is similar to what is happening on theiOS app.
It has been a long time since the app was approved on the App Store. Child sexual abuse material made its way through the app's filters and caused the app to be taken down from the App Store. A month later, the platform banned all porn and other sexually explicit content, resulting in a 29% monthly traffic decrease. The platform's web traffic has remained stagnant since then.
SimilarWeb has an image.
It is a Sisyphean task to scrub a user-generated content platform of adult content. Apple has strict standards for Tumblr.
A part of me wants to be cynical and say that since they are so big, they can get away with more than Tumblr can. Combine that with the fact that porn can be seen until the end of the year. I can't prove it, but if it has a reputation at Apple, it can't be a good one.
From rule 34 to long post, content on the platform is being banned tag by tag.
The list of tags that can't be accessed in the iOS app is being reviewed by Tumblr, and it expects this review process to pick up in January.
We are working on a web-based option that would allow people to allow sensitive content in the app.
The platform is often referred to as a wasteland of the internet by its users. The app used to be called "hellsiteaffectionate" in the App Store. People keep using it.
A dedicated Tumblrite said that things like this are easy to do because people assume the site is dead. If you search for tag ban on the site, you can find some workarounds, but regular users know that the search function is very buggy. I bet the broken search feature is coming in here. We can't find it because it doesn't show up half the time, but neither can Apple.
It makes up for the lack of search functions and working apps with its algorithm. The old-fashioned way of serving content is being made work by the platforms that face the Senate. You can follow users in reverse chronological order.
Being a dumpster fire has worked in Tumblr's favor, according to an avid user. We still get to make our experience exactly how we want.
Post+ is a subscription service for Gen Z creators.
The trouble in fandom paradise is that Tumblr users are against its subscription feature.