Working in the entertainment industry has a powerful attraction to fame, wealth, art, and glamour.
Thousands of people work in the machine, from assistants to lighting technicians to costume designers, but some of them are paid less than others.
The IATSE strike authorization vote this summer revealed how burned out many are by punishing hours and work, and how they would be willing to go on strike in order to get their demands met. The deal was approved by a slim majority of IATSE members.
Insider asked entertainment industry professionals how they make ends meet in the industry, their workload, and how they feel about their career trajectory.
The support staffers who responded felt particularly worn thin due to low pay and career progress stalling by the Pandemic.
I am proud of what I did because I am working for a pittance, accruing debt, and eating half-sandwiches in the writers' room. The shots come less and less now.
A manager for film and TV writers, an assistant to a literary manager, a production assistant in Atlanta, and an accountant work in Hollywood.
All workers were granted anonymity so they could speak freely, and Insider reviewed documentation to confirm pay and other major items.
Email elow@insider.com with the subject line "Hollywood Salary Diary" to participate in Insider's Hollywood Salary Diaries. We will contact you to send you a template so you can start tracking your finances. Here's how it works.
The story was published in October. It has been updated.
Age: 28
I make an annual salary of around $37,000.
Take- home pay is $3,100 a month.
$3,070 is the total expenses.
$30 is what's left over.
There are expenses.
Rent is $1,420.
Groceries cost $300.
$150 for utilities.
$200 for dining out and fun.
Health insurance is $0 for insurance, which is included through work, and $200 for therapy and prescriptions.
The car is $150.
Credit cards, student loans, and other debts have a debt repayment of $650.
$0 is the savings/investments amount.
It's difficult to make things work in Los Angeles on less than $40,000 a year. Being in a support position, they want you around and available, so it isn't as if I can up and relocate to somewhere cheaper.
Minimum wage increases mandated by the city have been the only raises I've received in the last two and a half years. Almost all of the people who are responsible for keeping the entertainment industry running don't make anything close to a living wage and that isn't because of lack of funds.
If I had someone working for me or my company, I would want to make sure that they were taken care of and not forced to choose between buying groceries or gas. If one of my employees told me that, I would feel terrible, but there's a really toxic culture in entertainment where people think that you have to make others suffer the way you did or they aren't earning it.
I don't want to make millions. I just want to make enough money to live and maybe save for retirement while I'm still alive. I love film, television, and the creative process so I'm in this business. I would rather not do anything else.
It feels like I'm in an abusive relationship with the love of my life and I can't quit because I still think I can change them.
Age: 39
The spouse's full-time job pays $54,000 an annual salary.
When working, $4,400 a month, but currently unemployed.
$3,890 is the total expenses.
$0 is typically what's left over.
There are expenses.
The mortgage is $1,210
Groceries cost $1,280
$240 for utilities.
$200 for dining out and fun.
The health insurance cost is $140.
The car is $460
$360 is the amount of debt repayment for credit cards, loans, etc.
$0 is the savings/investments amount.
The primary caregivers for this man's 2-year-old daughter are his five years' experience script coordinators.
It's more important for me to stay unemployed, try and find writing work, and take care of her than it is for me to work in a high-stress Hollywood job.
I supplement my income when I assist on a show to stay in the game. I am proud of my actions because I did what I had to in order to survive. Get to read my writing. Get out of the way of the chain. Get an episode. The shots are coming less and less. The staffs are small. I have learned not to put my heart in it anymore.
While I was on a show, I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and I was relieved that I could quit and focus on my health for a while. I was making over 60 hours a week as an assistant.
I'm lucky to be in the room because I've been told to work less because it's Hollywood baby. They can always find another diversity hire if you take the minimum.
When my daughter's schedule was worked out, my wife worked through the Pandemic while I took jobs. It's been hard but rewarding. I'm clearing things instead of legal. I'm preparing food for re-distro instead of prepping the docs.
I'm retired from being an assistant and only pursuing writing opportunities. I can't afford to be an assistant anymore. A broken father is worse than a broken father.
It was difficult because filling out a line and saying "this is how much this costs" is not realistic. There are a lot of other expenses for our daughter. Our debt is rising rapidly, as do utilities and medical bills.
I have been unable to work for months and months now, so my current income is $0, as I have been trying to get unemployment since June.
Age: 53
This year is the most I've ever made, with spouse's annual income ranging from $20,000-40,000.
Take- home pay is $13,000 a month.
Total expenses are $6,000.
$7,000 is left over.
There are expenses.
The house is paid off.
Groceries cost $300.
$300 for utilities.
Box seats at the Hollywood Bowl are $2,500.
I pay nothing for my health insurance and $150 per quarter to add my spouse to my plan.
The car is $0.
$0 is the amount of debt repayment on credit cards, loans, etc.
$3,850 is the savings/investments amount.
The accountant has worked over 43,000 hours on union shows and has 20 years of vested IATSE pension. The person said they will receive a full pension of over $220,000 as a lump sum and over $2,000 a month.
Production accountants have access to salary information of workers across the call sheet and a good perspective on income disparity in the industry.
The main issue is that we are comparing our lives to the lives of other people. They could afford a house in the Valley, or maybe a second home somewhere else.
You can find a job in America that doesn't require a college degree, where you make $3500/week, full health benefits, a defined pension benefit and full freedom to choose where and when you want to work. I don't think it still exists.
I am the lowest-paid department head. 50 people make more than I do on a weekly basis.
I think streamers don't want union workers. They would be happy to break the union. The legacy studios are okay with unions because they have always done that. It is not Apple's business. Or Amazon's. That's just my guess.
Just to reiterate. I enjoy being a union worker. It has allowed me to live an amazing life.
A lightning bolt is depicted in an icon.
For you.