6:06 PM
After choosing Canada as the safest place to complete its season, the NHL now faces a series of hurdles north of the border that complicate its bid to power through the pandemic all over again.
The league postponed nine more games Tuesday because attendance restrictions were in five Canadian cities. The game between the Bruins and the Habs was moved to Boston.
The NHL hopes to shift the games in Canada to later in the season when the restrictions may be lifted. The NHL relies on ticket sales more than any other league.
The NHL's Canada problem includes attendance limits.
The NBA and the NFL can quickly adopt shorter isolation periods for players who test positive for the coronaviruses in accordance with new guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The NHL has seven teams north of the border and must balance the stricter regulations set by Canadian federal and provincial authorities.
"We have always had the issue of differing rules in different countries, so it's not a new challenge," deputy commissioner Bill Daly said in an email to The Associated Press on Tuesday, hours before play resumed after an extended holiday break.
The NHL reviewed its virus protocols after the CDC recommended shortening the time of quark from 10 to 5 days. There is no evidence that Canada is ready to follow the U.S. in moving toward looser rules.
"It's not something that's in the mind of the state or the population and it's not something that's in the mind of the health field workers," said LeVasseur, who specializes in U.S.-Canada relations. It's more of a "let's protect, let's secure and let's close in and do another confinement." It's not something we should say that it's part of us, it's part of who we are and let's live with it.
Hockey players would like to see the NHL relax some protocols, most notably reducing mandated absences from 10 days for those with COVID-19 symptoms.
Alex Killorn, the NHL Players' Association representative, said that it seems like Canada is the reason that a lot of things don't happen. It seems reasonable that we would implement it as soon as possible.
Steven Stamkos said it was a fine line and that there was discussion about testing less in the NHL locker rooms. The league and union are doing their best without being able to control Canadian federal and provincial rules, according to a veteran executive.
The New York Islanders general manager said over the weekend that if they weren't playing in Canada, then they wouldn't be testing players for vaccine. It's not possible with the guidelines and rules of Canada. Without the testing that is required to play in Canada, we wouldn't be able to have games.
The league moved on to the Canadian games after the home game against Detroit was rearranged for virus-related reasons.
The American Hockey League has 26 teams in the US and five in Canada. 61 games have been postponed by the American League and they are trying to play as many as possible.
Scott Howson, the president and CEO of the American Hockey League, said it's not possible to change the schedule for teams in Quebec and Manitoba in the middle of the season.
Howson told The AP that they wouldn't consider putting those teams on the road and adjusting the schedule. If they have to play a few games with a low capacity, then that's what they're going to do.
It's more difficult for teams in Canada to avoid long absences.
Howson said that the Canadian teams know what the Canadian government is going to do.
There are different testing and isolation requirements for the U.S. and Canada.
There are arguments on both sides. The 26 teams that could have a less restrictive system should not be punished.
The NHL is testing players, coaches and staff daily as part of enhanced virus protocols, which include a return to mask-wearing and restrictions for road teams. Taxi squads are back until the All-Star break to keep the season going.
LeVasseur doesn't expect Canada to follow the U.S. strategy of living with the virus for at least two more weeks.
"If nothing happens in the hospitals, you'll have that second mentality," he said. Nothing will be opening to that mentality until we get to January 15. It will be more secure, closed and restricted. We're going to see that pattern.
The NHL returns to game action on Tuesday night with three contests in the U.S.
The Associated Press contributed to the report.