Leonardo DiCaprio Explains Don't Look Up's Message In Case You Missed It

The man is Leonardo DiCaprio.

There is a service called Netflix.

Don't Look Up is currently the #1 movie or show on the streaming service, and probably produced some eye-catching numbers over the holiday with its star- studded cast.

Don't Look Up is a comedy about how politicians, the media and the public ignore the reality of a comet that will destroy life on the planet. In case you didn't connect that concept with our reality, star Leonardo DiCaprio has filmed a video explaining the allegory for you.

The movie is about climate change if you didn't connect the dots. I was not surprised to see Leonardo take the leading role because he has been an outspoken environmentalist for a long time. I think the overall message of the film attracted some of the other hefty stars as well, because Adam McKay is just being a director people want to work with.

The film was originally conceived as a climate allegory, but it was expanded into a more broad commentary on the public rejecting science in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic. When the comet is visible in the sky, the denial of the public and politicians feels a lot more similar to the way they have reacted to the epidemic.

I think some elements of Don't Look Up worked, but I felt like it was ham-handed with its commentary. I find it amusing that he filmed something like this when the film was supposed to be about something. The presentation in the film felt condescending and unsubtle, even though I agree with the message. The movie's existence is a kind of parody of what it was. It is a good thing that a movie about the realities of ignoring climate change is the most watched film in America, if not most of the world.

If you already know the message of Don't Look Up, then the explanation by DiCaprio is worth watching. It is more harrowing than the movie itself, as it is clear that we are approaching the point of no return in regards to climate change, as there need to be massive changes in the next decade or mass devastation is inevitable. He talks about the kind of scientists he was trying to represent, saying that they have been warning us about climate change for twenty years now. It is true before our eyes. There is a comet in the sky.

Don't Look Up is not an actual comedy. But as a message? That comes across loud and clear, even if it leaves something to be desired.

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