A correspondent from Friends of Science in Medicine in Australia sent me information about the Bioptron, suggesting it would make for a colorful article. They succeeded in getting it removed from the listings. It is still available in the US. She points out that FDA numbers give companies like Bioptron an easy ride around the world. Customers are interpreting the 510(k) number as an endorsement of the effectiveness of Bioptron. It is not such a thing. The 510(k) designation only means that the company made a premarket submission intended to show that the new device is substantially similar to another device on the market. It doesn't mean that the device is effective. It's too silly to write about. It is completely out of touch with reality to critique science. It is based on pure imagination.
It was too silly to write about. It makes me laugh and shows the flaws of human psychology. How could anyone fall in love with this product? If it is not a scam, it is a great imitation, and I don't believe the people who sell it could actually believe their own extravagant claims. I wrote about it. If something is too silly to write about, you can stop reading. It may have entertainment value, but there is no science here. You can visit the website if you want to laugh.
They say that the indications for use are to provide temporary relief of minor chronic neck and pain of the musculoskeletal origin. The writing is often incoherent. The company claims to have approval from the TGA in Australia. That is wrong. It was de-listed twice because of multiple complaints.
All Nature's Ways promotes the Bioptron in the US, and their list of treatments reads like a textbook of everything wrong with alternative medicine. I urge you to click on that link, you will find some alternative treatments you weren't aware of. I had never heard of many of them. They think they can treat a lot of conditions. The tab for clinical studies consists of testimonials and case reports.
It is recommended that Bioptron be used as a treatment.
The Bioptron is an energy medicine device that can balance the energy in your body. Light is said to affect the chakras by color. I don't believe it has ever undergone a controlled scientific test, but they claim it is supported by extensive research. They do not mean what I mean by research.
You can buy the whole package on EBay for $649 or a single lens for $104.
I said it was too silly. Potential customers should be discouraged if they just look at the images.
How do you imagine that they figured out which color corresponds to which chakras? The key word is imagination. Colored bullshit is an apt description.