He has a narrow chin, small nose, and curly hair, which makes him look like his father. He has good teeth for someone who lived 3,500 years ago.
Saleem is talking about the mummy of the pharaoh Amenhotep I, a warrior king who is one of the few royal mummies not to have been unwrapped in modern times.
That is until now. Saleem is a professor at the faculty of medicine at Cairo University and is part of a team that has successfully unwrapped Amenhotep I.
The results of using 3D computed tomography scanning technology are amazing. They give information about his appearance and the jewelry he was buried with.
Many royal mummies have bad teeth, but Amenhotep I had good teeth. Dr. Saleem is from the University of Cairo.
Saleem said that Amenhotep was 35 years old when he died. He had good teeth and was approximately 169 cm tall. He wore a golden girdle with gold beads and 30 amulets.
Amenhotep had a narrow chin, a small nose, curly hair, and a few jutting upper teeth.
Saleem is the lead author of the study.
She said that the fact that his teeth were good was proof that the mummification process was amazing. The corpses were well preserved. The tiny bones inside the ears were preserved. Amenhotep's teeth were well-preserved. Many royal mummies had bad teeth, but Amenhotep had good teeth.
After the death of his father, Amenhotep I became the second king of the 18th dynasty.
His name is Amun. He had a peaceful reign which allowed him time to concentrate on administrative organisation and the building of temples. His mother may have co-reigned with him.
One of the 30 amulets worn by Amenhotep is a golden beaded girdle. Dr. Saleem is from the University of Cairo.
According to Egyptologists, priests unwrapped Amenhotep in order to repair damage done by tomb robbers in the 11th century BC.
It had been speculated that he was unwrapped in order to steal ornaments. Saleem said that the priests had the best intentions and that their findings proved it.
The original tomb of Amenhotep has never been found. The mummies of kings and nobles were hidden in Luxor in order to protect them from tomb robbers.
The Egyptian Museum is his home. He has not been unwrapped because of the linen wrappings covered by the delphiniums, Egyptian riverhemp and safflowers, and the beauty of his painted burial mask.
Dr. Saleem of Cairo University is scanning the mummy. Dr. Saleem is from the University of Cairo.
The wasp was attracted to the smell of the garlands and was found when the coffin was first opened.
The research team has found that Amenhotep's brain is intact, unlike other kings.
Saleem said the project was like unwrapping a gift.
The team was hoping to find evidence of Amenhotep's death, but it has been difficult.
Saleem said that they couldn't find any wounds or disfigurement due to disease to justify the cause of death. His brain and heart were not removed by the first mummifiers.
We show that the priests of the 21st dynasty cared for Amenhotep I's mummy and jewellery after the tomb robbery, and that they preserved the magnificent jewellery and amulets in place.