If you want to make it feel like Halloween, you can watch the debut feature of director Michael Doughertyt, who went on to make Krampus and King of the Monsters but is most beloved among horror fans for delivering this modern cult classic. There were several stories interwoven on October 31 in small-town Ohio, with campy performances by Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, and Brian Cox.
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It's like peanut butter and chocolate, knives and showers, zombies and shopping malls. Sometimes it is worth it to commit to a single story over the course of a two-hour movie, but it can also be just as scary to watch a film that has chopped its narrative into shorter pieces. There are some of our favorite horror anthology.
If you want to make it feel like Halloween, you can watch the debut feature of director Michael Doughertyt, who went on to make Krampus and King of the Monsters but is most beloved among horror fans for delivering this modern cult classic. There were several stories interwoven on October 31 in small-town Ohio, with campy performances by Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, and Brian Cox.
This year's entry in the popular found-footage series isn't a cinematic masterpiece, but it will still crawl under your skin and hang out there for an uncomfortably long time. It is difficult to pick a winner in terms of most distressing segment, but "The Subject" from writer-director Tjahjanto is definitely the winner in that regard.
The spirit of the films lives on in Shudder's very fun TV show and we would love to see it. The original is one of the best examples of a horror anthology, giving us unforgettable characters, including one played by King, who meet even more unforgettable fates, and paying homage to vintage comics.
The 1983 feature officially branded to its source is an example of how Rod Serling's anthology TV series inspired many movies over the years. While the behind-the-scenes tragedy that occurred on its set has come to eclipse the film itself, it still boasts a quartet of heavy-hitting directors. The question of what is really scary, posed by Dan Aykroyd and Albert Brooks, terrified me as a kid, and I still can't take a flight without looking for a gremlin on the wing.
Roy Ward Baker directed this 1981 title which has a lot of the same trademarks as the famed horror studio, but isn't actually one of their releases. We will get to Amicus on this list. The frame story starsVincent Price as a vampire who dips his fangs into a horror author played by John Carradine, then cheerfully invites him into the nightclub for groovy music and spooky stories. The Monster Club has a blast going through their taxonomy and features a stellar cast beyond its leads that includes Halloween's Donald Pleasence and Doctor Who's.
Hong Kong's Fruit Chan, South Korea's Park Chan-wook, and Japan's Takashi Miike were all in attendance. The segments concern the youth-rejuvenating powers of aborted fetuses, a director menaced by a very disgruntled extra, and an ex-circus performer who can't escape the twisted nightmare. The promise of extremes is not false advertising.
This year's Horror Noire builds off the Shudder-produced documentary of the same name to bring stories of Black horror, made by Black directors and screenwriters. Six tales means it could have been two films or even a series, but Kimani Ray Smith's last tale "Sundown" is the most unusual of the bunch. Tony Todd has a small but important role in the film "Fugue State," in which the original Candyman is portrayed as a preacher who drives his followers insane.
The stories in this anthology are all written by genre legend Richard Matheson and starred Karen Black. All of Trilogy of Terror is frightening, but the third segment, "Amelia," is a two-hander that pits Black's character against the scariest doll to ever haunt the screen, but nothing comes close to this movie's " It's existence is even more alarming because it was a made-for-TV production, meaning people just innocently flipping the channels could have stumbled upon it and been scarred for life.
This 1962 Richard Matheson-adapted three-parter features narration and multiple starring turns byVincent Price and is directed by Roger Corman. It is difficult to pick a favorite moment among these Tales, but it is also difficult to beat the scene in "The Black Cat," which features Peter Lorre and Price engaging in a scene from "The Cask of Amonitillado."
The anthology was directed by Mario Bava, who also stars in one of the segments. There are various horrors represented, including a murderer fond of making menacing phone calls, a thirsty vampire, and a corpse that doesn't take kindly to being robbed.
I picked the 1960s and 70s portmanteau films of Amicus productions as my favorite genre films of the 1960s and 70s, but it's impossible to pick just one favorite from titles like Tales From the Crypt. Many of them have their grim charms, like Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. If you want to see what a vengeance-crazed killer piano might look like, Torture Garden is a great place to start.
What if God and Satan decided the fate of three souls on a train? If that train also carried a peppy rock band that chose the worst setting for filming their latest music video, what would it be like? Night Train to Terror is a movie that is full of weird cults, a man who is hypnotized into kidnapping victims for an organ-harvesting ring, various continuity errors, and a frantically upbeat song.
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