The father of four who wished President Joe Biden a Merry Christmas and then said "Let's Go Brandon" during a live call on Christmas Eve told ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon that the 2020 presidential election was "stolen" from them.
During a Monday interview on the "War Room" podcast, the man who previously told The Oregonian that he wasn't a "Trumper" and that his comments toward the commander-in-chief were meant in jest, expressed a sharp opinion as it pertained.
He told the newspaper that he was being attacked for exercising his freedom of speech, but he wanted to defend his character against the criticism that he's faced for using a code word against Biden during the NORAD Tracks Santa program.
"Let's Go Brandon, and I've said it before, I'm a Christian man." It's God first and foremost for me. "I don't follow anyone blindly."
He rejected the implication that he wasn't a Trump supporter.
"That's not true," he said. Donald Trump is my president and he should stay that way. The election was not valid. I want to make that clear.
"'Let's Go Brandon' is more than just Joe Biden," he said. The mainstream media, the administration, the left-wing mob, and Joe Biden are the ones who made this a thing.
December 24, 2021.
The phrase became a rallying cry for conservatives after NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast used the term in lieu of "Fuck Joe Biden" while interviewing the NASCAR driver Brandon Brown after an October race in which the crowd was repeating the more degrading terminology. Many Republicans feel that the reporter who used sanitized language to distract from the Biden slur was engaging in a form of media bias, rather than trying to avoid violating FCC rules against swearing.
In an interview with The New York Times earlier this month, Brown expressed little enthusiasm for his name being associated with a divisive political debate.
Brown told the media columnist that everybody is a consumer. I don't want to be involved in politics.
Despite the numerous lawsuits filed by the former president's campaign lawyers that were unsuccessful in proving that any sort of massive fraud tipped the election to Biden, the statements made by Schmeck seem to amplify Trump's claims of election malfeasance.
President Biden told children to stay up at a certain time to help Santa.
Have a wonderful Christmas. The first lady wished the person a Merry Christmas.
"I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well," he said.
Merry Christmas and let's go Brandon!
The first lady appeared to be upset at the statement, but her husband said "Let's Go Brandon, I agree."
The former police officer who said that the statement was meant as a joke received a torrent of online condemnation, prompting him to respond this past weekend.
He said that he was not that simple minded, no matter how he felt about Biden.
He seems to like him as a person. There is no animosity or anything like that. It was just a joke and I have the right to express my frustration in a joking manner. He said he loved him just like any other brother or sister.