The number of new coronavirus cases in Florida increased by 332.9% in the week ending Sunday. The previous week there were over 30,000 new cases of the virus.
Florida is on the top 10 list where the virus is spreading the fastest.
A USA TODAY Network analysis shows that Florida was ninth in the country in terms of how fast coronaviruses were spreading. The number of coronaviruses reported in the United States increased by 45% from the week before. Florida had 8.99% of the country's cases in the last week. 26 states had more cases in the last week than they did in the previous week.
Christmas disrupted who got tested, how many people got tested, what labs operated, and what government agencies reported on time. Testing and reporting will be disrupted by New Year's and some cases and deaths that would have been reported last week might be reported in the coming week. The week-to-week comparisons will be skewed and unreliable because they're not accurate to what states reported.
Is it the flu, a cold, or an omicron variant? How to know when to get tested.
Do the COVID-19 boosters protect against omicron? Where can I get a booster in Florida?
There has been a surge in cases in Florida.
In the last week, 1,214 cases were reported in the county. It had reported more than 300 cases a week before. 84,393 cases have been reported throughout the Pandemic.
Florida doesn't publish death data at the county level.
The worst weekly outbreak on a per-person basis was within Florida.
Miami-Dade County has over one thousand COVID cases per week.
The county has 1, 205.
Palm Beach County has 791.
The Centers for Disease Control says there is a high level of community transmission.
Adding the most new cases as a whole.
There were 52,435 cases in Miami-Dade County.
There were 23,532 cases in the county.
11,812 were from Palm Beach County.
The weekly case counts increased in many counties. The increases from the prior week were the worst in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.
See how your community is doing with recent coronaviruses.
What is the rate of vaccinations in Florida?
Florida has the highest percentage of residents who are partially vaccine-free, with 26% of them receiving at least one shot. USA TODAY analyzed CDC data and found that the national rate is 72.7%. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the most used in the United States and require two separate doses.
In the week ending Thursday, Florida gave out 605,070 vaccine doses. In the previous week, the state gave out over a million vaccine doses. Florida has administered 33,172,989 total doses.
There was a decline in COVID cases in these Florida counties.
In Liberty County, there were 4 cases from 10 a week earlier, the best decline, followed by Franklin County with 3 cases from 8 and Gilchrist County with 8 cases from 11.
How many died from coronaviruses in Florida?
In Florida, 127 people died of Covid-19 in the last week. There were more than 200 deaths in the week before that.
More than 3 million people in Florida have tested positive for the coronaviruses since the beginning of the epidemic, and more than 60,000 people have died from it. In the United States, 52 million people have tested positive and over one million have died.
There are coronaviruses cases in the United States.
Hospital admissions in Florida are rising.
USA TODAY looked at federal hospital data.
There are likely to beVID patients admitted in the state.
Last week: 4,979.
The week before that was 3,029.
Two weeks ago, 2,177.
There are likely to be a lot of patients admitted in the nation.
Last week: 99,084.
The week before that was 90,677.
Four weeks ago: 76,315.
Hospitals in 18 states reported more COVID-19 patients than a week earlier, while hospitals in 28 states had more COVID-19 patients in intensive-care beds. The USA TODAY analysis of U.S. Health and Human Services data shows that hospitals in 29 states admitted more COVID-19 patients in the last week than in the previous week.
The USA TODAY Network is publishing versions of the story on its news sites across the country, using data from the Centers for Disease Control. If you have a question about the data or the story, contact Mike Stucka at mstucka@gannett.com.
The Florida surge was reported during the Christmas week.
The Times of the county.
Christmas disrupted who got tested, how many people got tested, what labs operated, and what government agencies reported on time.
In the week ending Sunday, New York had 257 new coronavirus cases, a jump of 97 from the previous week.
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Over the weekend, more than 3000 flights were canceled in the U.S.
She keeps going back to the critical-care unit because she still wants to show patients that someone cares.
A leading health expert said that the more mild symptoms reported by people who have been vaccined against the coronaviruses proves that the inoculation is the best way to protect yourself from being seriously sick or dying from the disease and that a surge in case numbers should no longer be the central metric to measure
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The death toll for COVID-19 rose to more than 5 million as of Monday morning.
While the omicron variant pushes Florida to daily records in cases reported, hospitalizations haven't risen at the same rate yet.
The Italian government was urged to relax the COVID-19 rules by health experts on Monday. If you have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient and haven't had a shot, you have to self-isolated for seven days. According to the head of the Gimbe health foundation, each positive person had at least five to 10 close contacts, and that a million people in Italy might have come down with COVID-19 within two weeks.
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In many cases, COVID-19 can be not noticeable. If you test positive without any symptoms, here's what to do.
Asa Hutchinson thanked President Biden for his efforts to "depoliticize" the nation's response to the coronaviruses.
The Kentucky Republican is referred to by Trump as a "Broken Old Crow" and he criticizes his actions on the debt limit and infrastructure bill.
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It is possible to findVID tests for free, even though they are in short supply. How to get an accurate result and what to look for are included.
In the week ending Sunday, new coronaviruses cases in Massachusetts rose 39.5%.
If you're eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, you don't have to stick with the company that manufactured your primary dose.
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Rik Mehta, an FDA official and Georgetown University health law professor, joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss U.S. cobra cases and how the medical community is responding to the Omicron variant.
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The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is on the rise as Americans face it. It is affecting everything from hospitalizations to college bowl games. New York City is dealing with its worst coronaviruses outbreak on record.
The United and American airlines had flights that were canceled Monday.
More than a million lives have been saved because of vaccination efforts, according to Vivek Murthy.