NASA Paid Priests to Figure Out How to Deal With Aliens

NASA wants to know how world religions would react if it found evidence of alien life. The agency funded a program to find out that.
NASA brought together 24 theologians at the Center for Theological Inquiry at Princeton for a year-long program called "The Societal Implications of Astrobiology" in 2016, The Times reports. The group was tasked with figuring out how religions would respond to alien life.
Billions of people all over the world subscribe to a religion in one form or another, so it is a worthwhile task. How would alien life change their view of God? How would it affect the creation story? Is it possible that religions would have to change their doctrine?

Aliens in action.

Not a lot will change.
According to Rev. Dr. Andrew Davison, an Anglican priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge who took part in the program, people who follow a range of religious traditions report that they can take the idea in their stride.

If we ever found evidence of alien life, the non- religious community tends to underestimate the challenges that religious people would face.
A rabbi, an imam, and another Anglican priest told The Times that if alien life was found, they would be fine with it.
Truth is out there.

NASA brought together a group of religious leaders to talk about aliens. The agency is confident about finding evidence of extraterrestrial life in the near future.

With the new James Webb Space Telescope headed to space, we are likely to finally answer the question of whether or not life is out there. It makes sense that the agency wants to make sure that everyone is happy with it.

The priest was enlisted by Nasa to prepare for an alien discovery.

The professor says he has been testing materials recovered from crashes.

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