783 Flights Cancelled Today Due to Omicron

We hope you are not reading this while stuck in an airport.
David McNew is pictured.

Flightaware reported that 783 flights within, into, or out of the U.S. were canceled or delayed. Many airlines are reporting that the bad weather and staffing issues caused by the Omicron variant are to blame for the cancellation of flights.

"Despite our best efforts, we've had to cancel a number of flights, and additional flight cancelations and delays are a possibility as we see more Omicron community spread," the spokesman said. The health and safety of our crewmembers and customers remains our top priority as we work through this Pandemic, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenient schedule changes that will occur during the holidays.

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Airlines for America, a trade organization representing major U.S. airlines, sent a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requesting isolation guidelines for their employees.

Current medical data shows that Omicron is more likely to be spread by people who are fully vaccined. Further Omicron is associated with a shorter infectious period among fully vaccined people. We believe that the combination of these variables will lead to a rapid reassessment of isolation guidelines and we will work with you to implement sound policies that protect the health and safety of our workforce and customers as the Pandemic progresses," read the letter.

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The 5-day time frame was adopted for essential workers in New York.